In a valiant attempt to set a new world record,

  • In a valiant attempt to set a new world record, Pete stuffed another two franks into his maw. Already to near-choking and fast approaching his limit, he glanced at the LED clock.
  • He moved his rook and choked the last bit of hot dog. "Mmph... Check!" He slammed the speed clock. Chuck glanced down at the board, stuffing half a blueberry pie down his gullet,
  • The confusing, everlasting game of chess had him baffled. The queen shimmied across the board while the knights flip backwards and the pons were on the hands and knees praying that
  • they could be returned to the brainstems of their masters, were they belonged. However, the pawns, seeing a fracture in the monarchy's stability, deferred to Marxist tactics. But
  • the knights still clung to the old fashioned forms trying to protect the king with their lives. The two queens meanwhile managed to meet at the edge
  • of the toadstool to watch the battle. The red queen shouted "off with their heads" to encourage them. Alice arrived and called "playing through" before swinging her flamingo
  • "Big Birtha" graphite shaft. The Chesire cat was in the golf cart getting high as a Mothereffer and eating all the cookies. The Red Queen
  • screamed "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS" even as she stumbled drunk to the ground and promptly passed out. Alice was aghast at what wonderland had become. An orgy filled drunken paradise.
  • Alice vowed to lay off the strawberry daiquiris and hookah for a little while because her Wonderland was getting wildly out of control. To supplement her addiction, she switched to
  • mushroom caps that tastes vaguely like the lingering flavor of hookah smoke. They filled her need and had none of the aftereffects of the smoke. Wonderland returned to normality.


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 07 2012 @ 17:07

    Don't try this at home kiddies.

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