This is a story about a sheep called Lola,

  • This is a story about a sheep called Lola, she is white but she has a funny brown spot on her left eye.
  • Lola was very self-conscious because of this brown spot. The other sheep called her "old brown eye" and never let her eat with them during grazing time. To deal with rejection she
  • murdered them all while they slept. Then Lola dyed her brown spot blue and ran off to join the Crooners Petting Zoo, where she was billed as the Sinatra-singing sheep Old Blue Eye
  • Her voice was the highest female voice type, she was definitely a soprano. That sheep sang like an angel.
  • But why would a sheep want to become a star? Why abandon the green grass, the poppy fields to sing in a dark jazz club...applauded but soon forgotten...
  • Because dreams are dreams and she was a dreamer, a sheep who was not a simple sheep, a sheep who wanted to glow like a star. She was ready to do anything to reach her dream
  • , even going so far as to wind herself in Christmas lights, but they got tangled in her wool and prevented her from grazing more than two feet from the electrical outlet. She
  • became so frustrated from the tangled Christmas lights keeping her from grazing, she bit down hard on the cord and lit up just like the lights. The smell of burning wool and lamb
  • emanated from their property, and they knew this attracted the creatures of the night
  • and other things that were much worse. When my Ectoplasmatron revealed an immense ARRAY of leylines beneath the property I was flabbergasted. It was alive with concentrated magick.


  1. LordVacuity Feb 13 2017 @ 20:15

    That sounds so much like "To be continued."

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