I had just a few cartridges left: 2 essential

  • I had just a few cartridges left: 2 essential amino acids, 2 carbs, and a couple of fats. I hadn't paid for flavor emulation this month so my printer was serving some bland dishes.
  • So I improvised, entering the formula for what I thought was a donut and uploaded a klein bottle shape. But my 3D printer had a virus and what came out of the extruder was alive
  • and hissing. It was an Ouroboros - a serpent eating its own tail. It was printed very tiny but as it consumed itself it grew larger and larger, soon outgrowing my living room and
  • then, a meteor arrived and destroyed both Ouroboros and my room. I survived, but gained the superpower of turning other people into ice. Then I used the power to rule the world.
  • But what could I do with the world at my disposal? In the madness that followed my gaining of super powers, I turned most of the world itself into a desolate wasteland of Ice.
  • I peered down at my hands, surprised at their capability for destruction. "I was supposed to be a superhero..." I muttered to myself in the frozen tundra I had created, "But now...
  • "...I'm just like the villains I'm trying to defeat." I said to myself, disheartened by my failure of becoming a true hero. I had to get rid of my ice powers. Of the suit.
  • Of my spirit of engagement and contretemps? Where do they come from, and where will they go when my organobotical tranceiver croaks? Jim Hutchinson made as if to attack, and I wond
  • ered how many times I'd have to deliver my deadly judo chop to his head.These hands of mine...weapons, I tell you! As it turned out, it took only 1 to fell Jim Hutchinson.Relieved,
  • I returned to my task at hand: Christmas shopping for my wife.I have no idea what to get her.Nothing is more terrifying. "Who the hell is Jim Hutchinson?" I wondered as I wandered.


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