In the back of my mind, I expected to fail.

  • In the back of my mind, I expected to fail.
  • But I thought WTF its worth a try and created 100 stories with my random thoughts in 10 minutes or so. It was like spam-mail. Even if only 10% got a response I was sure to up my
  • eyeballs in Viagra pills. I mashed them up into a powder then poured spanish fly until it was a thick pasate. Then I'd ice donuts with it and take them to work. Last week
  • was the week they gave me my week's notice. The viagra, eyeball and fly-laced frosted donuts were my trap, but how was I to know that was Krispy Kreme's secret recipe?
  • Unemployed, armed, hopped up on sugar and viagra... I hit the town waiting for an opportunity to present itself...that's how I came to be a police officer in charge of the Occupy m
  • aiden defence league. These gals meant business! So I soon ran out of viagra and I had to rely on my sugaring skills. Well, that didn't go well with the Occupy hippies
  • who thought sweets were only for the wealthy, as they were stuck in the Middle Ages. I tried to use my noodle to think of a way to appease the Occupy gals, but it went limp when I
  • remembered that I forgot to send Aunt Valetta's birthday card. Anyway, even though the poor middle-aged Occupy gals had no candy, they did have the Buffalo gals who would come out
  • at night and frolick by the light of a full moon. Completely carefree, they tossed candy and chocolates into the streets for random passerby to pick up. This was just great because
  • when i talked to god just minutes befor on the public cellphone in Jerusalem it turned out that he just wants to fuck me.


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