The cobbled together the last pieces from

  • The cobbled together the last pieces from the magazine article. The whole thing looked like a soccer ball. He pulled off one octagon and put in the plutonium, slowly, then attached
  • oh, let me drink the poison of love, i want to go back to the place where i have came from, i am sick of all these agony, pain, distress, and all those memories that kept hurting m
  • y monkey the whole time.back then I could normally sleep.Now he just goes about the whole night. HOOEHAHA. And then the bananas, GOD all those bananas!The horror, the pain! no more
  • Grape Ape please. He's ruining the alignment in my jeep every time he gets in. It's practically illegal anyways, I can't see behind me. I bought a gun and I am going to kill him,
  • Alternately he could do the decent thing & travel on the roof of the vehicle. A windy day hadn't been predicted but
  • the movement of the carriage should mask his odor and if he laid with his head forward his incontinence might accelerate the carriage and speed his trip. A silver lining
  • , he thought. So he hardened his resolve and bent to the task at hand. "Fbbbthbbbuuhhhpp!" went the noise as the horse-drawn conveyance reached 1.5 mph. Passersby scowled at him.
  • "Get off the road, fricken Amish!" Shouted an impatient motorist who flipped him the bird and honked rudely. "Pick it up, Isaiah!" He shouted to his carriage driver. The horses
  • got pissed as, being Amish horses, they were used to a more laid back pace. The traffic around the carriage seemed to stretch out endlessly behind them and the drivers got angrier
  • until their rage synchronized into an EM pulse that killed their engines and electronics. Except for their radios. The DJ Lady said "What's up, boppers?" and played "Green Acres".


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