Calling THIS smog would be an understatement.

  • Calling THIS smog would be an understatement. You could cut this thing with a knife and put it on bread. "How do you navigate through this without a horn?"
  • I use SONAR but we are traveling faster than the speed of sound so hold on tight and keep a watchful eye out for SONAR clumps they hurt like hell when they bounce off of your
  • stupid ideas. Nothing in the heavens is stronger than a stupid idea. Well except for silly puddy. Everyone knew that. Silly puddy is what held it together the day that
  • the Earth slowed down a bit. It was Gort's second attempt to destroy it, but it was hardly a notable event because the Silly putty distracted him. Turns out he's ADHD.
  • Too bad he's also ugly. It's one thing to have ADHD, but to be ugly and distracted, that's terrible. The thing was he wanted a hot focused woman, but all he could get was
  • shiny little objects. I mean, the way they sparkled was just too much. And what about chrome, cool huh? Get me one of those cars. What? Oh yeah. Women. They were what he needed.
  • God picked out a woman in Aisle 6 of the Build-A-Lair Workshop. "Adam will love one of these." He tossed her into his cart next to the talking snake. "Let's see... I could also use
  • a pomegranate. That's a classy fruit for a creation myth." But Hades had bought the last one so God settled for a mealy apple. When Adam bit into the apple a worm popped out & said
  • ,"Funny, I figured that you would have been bigger, but your worm is about the same size as myself. No wonder Lilith reacted the way she did. You have my sympathy, now piss off."
  • Lilith wouldn't have cared about worms, large OR small. It wasn't the worm, it was the hole that mattered. And with that, she hitched up her skirt and strode off into the night.


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