I'm hardcore. Ruthless. Like an industrial

  • I'm hardcore. Ruthless. Like an industrial sized shipping container filled with horseshit contaminated by mad cow disease, boy, I ain't nothin to play with.
  • Yeah, you won't be able to get that image out of your mind with a brillo pad. You lookin' at me? You think I'm some sort of clown? Well, okay, you do that, I'll just sit over here.
  • And Sarah Palin sat down in a classically haughty "huff." The reporter
  • asked her another question, but she was distracted by a hallucination of Russia. So she went on the attack, accusing the reporter of hating her retarded baby and then she said fox
  • news was just another excuse for right wing sympathists to rant about Russian transgenders. The reporter backed off, but she came after him, her nails and pumps ready to strike.
  • Luckily, this was Texas, so they disarmed her of anything dangerous - like tampons. Still, ready to strike, the Fox News "anchor" bared her
  • bosoms & hissed. They weren't much to look at. Fox News just doesn't get it. It's like when white trash and fundie Conservatism collides. Still, in Texas, the "anchor's" hostility
  • was appreciated.Go figure!"Don't mess with Texas!"said the anchor while reading the e-mails on air."We're live,and those are the 'bosoms of resignation'.We're witnessing history!".
  • The anchor stopped suddenly, shocked at what was transpiring on the air for all the world to see. "Oh my God. Is that Barbara Bush...topless?" The camera zoomed in.
  • In fact, it wasn't Barbara Bush at all. It was a walrus, dancing the dance of the Universe. Easily mistaken for a topless First Lady, but everyone makes mistakes.


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