Frightened by the impending betrayal, the

  • Frightened by the impending betrayal, the little girl explored wearily in the ever expanding house until she came across
  • her Judas, the rag doll she knew as Mrs. Cindy. The lying stitch-mouthed slut was enjoying a tea party with Dr. Bearstein and his wife. "BITCH," screamed the little girl, as she
  • upended the tea table. Plastic china flew as she shoved the Bearsteins aside. She seized Mrs. Cindy by her floppy neck and howled into her button-eyes. "You deserted our
  • country for the last time, bitch!" she yelled as she threw Mrs. Cindy across the room, who's body landed in a crumpled heap. She picked up a chair from the floor and sat down to
  • hear the blaringly-loud anthem, "AAAHHMER-ICA! ~FUCK YEAH!~" Which meant that someone was probably watching Team America: World Police nearby. I picked up the remote to turn it off
  • but realized it was not a remote but a box that had strings emanating out of it attached to puppets. I was on a cat walk working the kim il jong puppet on the set, holy shit
  • talk about a puppet regime! The rumor was that Kim il Jong was in a vat of the same secret preservative the soviets had used to keep Lenin looking perky in his tomb. The Kim-puppet
  • that was his son, was in fact being mind-controlled by Professor X. Who had personally put Kim il Jong in that preservative jelly. And so North Korea became a breeding ground for
  • all the encapsulated blond haired boys. Prof. X was N Koreas expert in creating preservatives. He discovered jelly serindiputously and was awarded the country's highest commodation
  • , a blue ribbon at the state fair for his gooseberry jam. At the dairy barn, the glorious leader's head was carved in butter. The S Koreans were envious.


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