It started off as a completely normal day

  • It started off as a completely normal day in the Turner household. Mr. and Mrs. Turner were at work, and Timmy was up in his room talking to his weirdly colored fish.
  • Out of nowhere this big wheel started turning and Proud Mary began burning. Timmy Turner called his mom at work: "Is Tina there? Yeah, my mom. Mom? Come home now! I'm scared!"
  • "Timmy," Ms. Turner said irately into the phone wedged precariously into her sequined way-too-short gown. " I left a good job in the city, working for the man every night 'n day -
  • light savings time was last night wasn't it! Damn it! Timmy!? I told you, fall back. Fall back, not spring forward! Now we'll never make the San F
  • ransisco anti-circumcision parade! Quick, put on your penis costume, we're gonna have to run real fast to make the bus! Hey, aren't those your friends from school across the
  • picket line at the Hustler store? Yes, there they were, the kids that never said I'd become anything. I'll show them! With cat like reflexes, in my homemade penis consume, we ran
  • towards the picket line, but I tripped on the testicles of my penis costume and fell into an open manhole in the nearby construction site, where I soon found I was stuck. Darn big
  • balls. How is it possible that I could get into the hole, but not get out. Time to figure out a plan and I had to act fast as the underground sewer was not a proper
  • waterslide. Luckily, I was storing a small sachet of butter in my breast pocket for situations just like this. I lathered myself up and wiggled
  • my false breast back into place, but the slightly melted butter made everything slippery and I dropped everything else in my breast pocket down the water slide. Crud.


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