That God made us in his image wasn't too

  • That God made us in his image wasn't too surprising, but it was shocking to find he didn't break the mold to make aliens either. In fact noone new there was an invasion in progress
  • I hated the fact that the aliens and I were so similar. Same facial features, same voice. They were tearing humanity apart, but no one could even see that it was happening.
  • Then the truth hit me. I was the only real human left and everyone else around me were aliens. I quickly glanced around the room. I had to play it cool, like nothing was wrong.
  • While playing its cool, I thought to myself that no matter what I do my fate will not change and I know It myself that I could not play it cool for the whole time. I told myself
  • that I am the living embodiment of all that is cool and decidedly created the coolest ice cream shack in the neighbourhood. Sunglasses, check. Fifty different ice-cream flavours,
  • check. Dyed my hair the colour of a Rainbow Dash's mane? Check. The kids are gonna love me, once I strut out and ring that bell in my new suit, touting, "Ice cream for ice cream!"
  • And there are 45 flavours, including old classics like rocky road, french vanilla, peppermint, pumpkin, and so forth. Something for everyone. And I have a bullock cart to ride in.
  • Will you be happy? Will you refind your laugh? There might be more to just 45 flavors and a bullock cart? What are they buying for such trinkets? What are you unknowingly selling?
  • What do your eyes give away for free? Is it a sample of what could be? If I get a taste, will I want more? Would I be willing to purchase a whore?
  • Why stop there, I'll get me a harem. I'll get fancy pants and I will wear 'em, when I am not lounging around naked, thinking up rhymes that are half baked.


  1. LordVacuity Feb 09 2018 @ 19:05

    I see what you did there. I see it.

  2. LordVacuity Feb 09 2018 @ 19:07

    I am pretty sure I thought I was folding a different story. sorry, again.

  3. Woab Feb 10 2018 @ 11:48

    Gibber's line was a riot.

  4. Woab Feb 10 2018 @ 11:48

    Slim's initial concept was brilliant, too.

  5. SlimWhitman Feb 10 2018 @ 12:24

    Thanks for the praise! but I think I stole it from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I liked the rhyming bits and those that didn't.

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