"Tall chai green tea soy latte?" Shouted

  • "Tall chai green tea soy latte?" Shouted the barrista. The fist grabbed the cup. It exploded into a fine mist, all over everyone. Clark Kent dropped the crumpled cup. "Sorry."
  • He quickly scuttled out of the coffee-shop. Embarrassed he hopped on his fixie bike and merged into the busy traffic. Ever since he'd given up on being Superman
  • he'd been having trouble keeping a hold of his normal life. He cycled on, the sound of the traffic was overpowering and he
  • regretted using shish kabobs as spokes. Packs of hungry dogs chased him, hoping for a nibble of grilled chicken. "Bleck! I only got squash!" barked a fleet-of-foot wiener dog. Beag
  • les mindlessly ripped across the lawns behind him as he hurdled fence after fence, never losing a chunk of meat of any veggies from the shishkabobs he held. The talking canines
  • advanced on him slowly, and by the time he was on the other side of town they were nipping at his heels. He was determined to protect the shishkabobs. But beyond the last fence was
  • the Tasman Sea. Putting the shish-kabobs between his teeth, he leapt the fence and started swimming. The pack of dingos crashed through howling like wolves. "Keep orf me Barbie!"
  • He backed into the water with no cozie bailed up by bitzers on the shore and was fixin' to bark it when a Hydrophis belcheri bit him right in the Doovalacky. He really cut snake
  • Hydrangea that grew by the water.
  • The water has this magical power of making grow living beings. Plants, animals, even us can't pass without water. You can't survive without water, no more than 3days, at least. Yo


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