When the beginning of your story starts to

  • When the beginning of your story starts to sound like trash, you maybe know you're getting close. To what? Believe me, poverty makes us do things we never thought we might ever do.
  • We do pretty much anything to make a few bucks. We'll publish it. We'll sell it. He'll, we'll goes far as prostitution if it comes to it. Unfortunately, my trashy story was all
  • I could muster, I was too spaced out to even think. It was nothing to do with the alcohol that I consumed copious amounts of over the last 6 months, it was to do with the meds I
  • was taking, no doubt. Maybe I should have thought twice about signing up for that clinical trial. I couldn't think straight & soon the eyelid twitching began.
  • My eye twitches got worse & worse. I could not control my pupils. As a result, I had to give up my job as a teacher. I was so bummed,not to mention unemployed.Who was going to hire
  • A Hispanic man with an ingrown toenail AND an eye twitch? I better get on the road again. I heard there where a circus nearby that needed a
  • sealion trainer. I was in the tank of muddy water in my bikini when a shot rang out. Blood stained the water - the sealion was floating on its back, dead. I screamed. Det. Manatee
  • apologised, wading in. "The sealion was about to rip off your bikini, I was saving you potential embarrassment." He picked up the dead sea lion and brought it back to the surface.
  • If his wife wanted a damn fur coat he'd get her one. But after this she better let what happened in DeMoines go. She'd been holding that over his head forever. He turned the sealio
  • n loose though when he looked into its dark brown trusting eyes -a look he'd long forgotten. "Why'd you do that?" she asked."Lets go back to DeMoines for some unfinished business".


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