She pulled out the credit card. "Ma'am, the

  • She pulled out the credit card. "Ma'am, the bill is over a million dollars, there is no credit card that can handle that," the agent said. "Run it, sonny." This was no ordinary
  • easy-bake oven. Quoltar V the 7th demon of the lost gate had been trapped within. His powers growing steadilly as he devoured the tiny, unsuspecting
  • cookies and brownies that Little Suzy conjured up in the Easy-Bake. Little did she realize that she was actually infusing the demon Quoltar with the ability to free himself by
  • assembling the ingredients known only to the old gods, and Mr. Jenkins at the ice cream shop down the road. It was no coincidence that his sprinkles called forth the dark tongues
  • of the evil-worshipping midgets. As children kept eating the cursed ice-cream, I could only watch in horror as
  • they realized someone had already eaten most of the chocolate. Why can't ice cream companies mix the damn Neapolitan? But the kids didn't yell at them, they yelled at me. So
  • I yelled back. "Do you know how they make Chocolate Ice Cream?" They return all the freezer burnt and dried out Ice Cream back to the factory and mix it all together making it into
  • a Play-Doh type material. This matter is then fed to the factory rodents who digest and subsequently excrete pellets that are processed with artificial dyes. Presto! You've got
  • Pez! Typically, Pez is dispensed through the neck. However, these factory rodents would dispense these Pez pellets via
  • their... well do I really need to elaborate? Needless to say the pellets were an acquired taste but the kiddies ate them just for the reaction they elicited from adults. Yech.


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