The early spring had caused everything to

  • The early spring had caused everything to come up too fast and blossom all stunted and misshapen. The buds simply didn't have time to form before bursting open. "Quasimodo" came to
  • be the name given to the first stunted Spring.The warm weather came earlier every year, and due to the stunted buds the harvests were meager. Dr. Frankincense had a hunch about the
  • incident. "Where there's smoke, there's fire," thought Dr. Frankincense. The world had only one season now, it was "Spring." Every year the clocks kept springing forward until
  • the flowers burst forth singeing the air with their noxious stench coaxing pterodactyl big butterflies to feast on the twisted rancid rusting soft underbelly of what was, what is?
  • The pterodactyl-sized butterflies often allowed passengers on their backs as they sailed through the soft, lavender-lit evening, past the sleeping fairies in their nests and the
  • horrible trolls under the bridge, and into their nests behind the crystal waterfall. We disembarked, weary from our journey, and asked our butterfly hosts if they would join us in
  • the morning. The butterflies agreed and we all set off for Peirle at first light. Our youngest member of the troop was scouting and just out of our sight when we heard
  • rain! The drops bombarded us until we were all left wallowing in huge puddles on the ground. Our butterfly senses had never failed us like this before. It was not from a natural
  • gas leak, but rather from a broken water main. Which I suppose is a good thing when you think about it, because the former would have been really bad. So we loaded up our
  • vacuums in order to deal with the torrential leakage. That water was highly pressurized, and some of it at steam temperature. It was a mess to clean up, and people still got hurt.


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