Giomo's world was unraveling. He asked, "Are

  • Giomo's world was unraveling. He asked, "Are we all just meat and bones, full of fictions?" Marissa petted him. "Don't be silly, darling. I have these cool augments as well!" Her
  • bulbous breasts swung above his head like giant pillows, about the smother him. Giomo sat up. "No, I'm serious, Marissa. There's got to be more to life than this." Ever since Giomo
  • had realized he played for the other team he'd get all philosophical whenever his wife Marissa came on to him. Giomo just wasn't that into her anymore. He wanted something more. So
  • he made the brave but rewarding move to come out and became a less angry and frustrated person. He stopped hating himself and taking it out on others. A weight had been lifted and
  • cleanly pressed with much arm quaking, sweat dripping and unwarranted grunts. He made that brave and rewarding move to Olympic weight lifter. Things were going great until the acc
  • ordian player's biceps proved stronger than his. Oktoberfest and all the polka music gave him too much opportunity to practice. A new type of dance could
  • arise. A dance which would leave fighting and fucking in it's shadow. In fact they we're part of the dance but not nearly all of it. It also included masking ones truths in to lies
  • And recreating the movie "Occult Forces" in a play format. the author went by the name "Anonymous" to avoidany threats. Actors were anonymous too. Gotta do what you gotta do.
  • Nothing was the same
  • .Everything had a peculiar quality about it.The world through a mirror and all things reflections:perfect imitates,yet alien.What is it like?Being a mirror image without a mirror.


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