I was in my room, thinking that if the world

  • I was in my room, thinking that if the world im in is just a dream. I recently watched inception and thought that if i try to kill myself i could wake up but knew that this would b
  • e totally pointless because I would wake up as myself. Crap. Loserville strikes again. Nothing works for me. I asked this girl out for a date and she turned out to be my sister.
  • That would have been a fun kind of anecdote, maybe even Oprah worthy, but I didn't find out she was my sister until the eighth month of our torrid, magical, utterly unforgivable
  • tour of Canada. Of all the places to go back-packing, what were we thinking? But something about her had looked strangely familiar, it could have been the shape of her
  • head. Sort of a horse-face but with chipmunk cheeks and beady little eyes. Very unique indeed and very attractive. If not for my girlfriend at my side, I probably
  • would have bought her a drink. Luckily, my girlfriend beat me to the punch. I think it was her Mr. Ed mouth that really turned on my girlfriend. Before we even left the bar they
  • were trying to claw at each other. "Woo! Catfight!" said some yob sitting at the bar. I gave a hard stare. I pushed my glasses back up the ridge of my nose, trying to look macho
  • and really tough although I wasn't actually sure of my gender since I had gone through more than three consecutive sex-change operations. Plus, the glasses didn't help. In fact ,
  • when people asked my sex, I had a Pat answer. My first name, Leslie, didn't make it any clearer either. Even my passions - for pregnant pauses and cock ups - made things confusing
  • for any creature crawling online. In my philosophy, the internet was my playground, my sandbox, my castle in the sky. My identity is fluid and my character's actions are


  1. Amica Jan 30 2011 @ 12:02

    Hm, sorry, I misinterpreted the "this is the last line" warning. Now the story is left unfinished! Who will think of a suitable end in the comments section?

  2. lostpoet Jan 31 2011 @ 10:32

    Carrying on the story: neutral, so who can tell? I checked my underwear - descision made.

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