When winter comes to the snowy plains of

  • When winter comes to the snowy plains of Nebraska, the trees turn a misty white. A chill fills the air and a little boy, named Ralph, jumps for joy as a snow day begins.
  • Little Ralphy loved the winter. The snowmen and the snow angels with his mom. His all-time favourite though, was throwing snowballs from the overpass onto unsuspecting cars. One ti
  • me Ralphy threw a snowball off the overpass and caused a horrific accident. As he stared through the fence at smoking, twisted metal and bloody body parts strewn across the median
  • he shrugged. "At least its not Monday!" The audience laughed uproariously at billy's ignorance of the tragedy. Except there wasn't an audience. Because Billy was schizophrenic.
  • Using his teeth to hold the pen, (due to the strait-jacket,) he deftly drew audience members on his toes. "Thank you for coming, What is it about padded cells. Huh? I mean it's not
  • like anyone can hear you laughing, huh?! Ha Ha!" Silence. His "audience" curled up in disdain, toed-ally bored with his padded cell humor. "A podiatrist walked into a bar and asks
  • if there was anyone in the bar who was having a problem with his or her feet. A elder man sitting on a bar stool shouted rather loudly, "Who wants to know?" The podiatrist
  • was used to some pretty cynical responses when he toured the local watering holes offering free foot ailment diagnoses. But to his credit, he walked right up to the old man and
  • introduced himself and was surprised at the warm response he received. The old man seemed truly interested in what he had to say.
  • The old man was not fated to hear them, however, as he suddenly dropped to the ground, a hand clutching his chest. "My heart!" he exclaimed.


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