Such were the days that Montaro dreaded.

  • Such were the days that Montaro dreaded. The sun, bright overhead, reminded him only that he had flown too close to the metaphorical sun that was limitless anonymous sex
  • in the literal STD cesspit of Las Vegas. "At least you didn't fly too close to the literal sun in a metaphorical Vegas casino," said Icarus, literally wading through STD's to Monta
  • na. Icarus regretted his party lifestyle. After years of getting home at sunrise he'd grown tired of it all. He made a life changing decision to join the crew of a cruise ship in
  • in the service of the Tire Iron Lady. She was ruthless and one eyed, one armed, one legged and single minded in purpose. He cruise was the cruise of death and Icarus joined
  • Tire Iron Lady joined the Army and used her skills to win a medal of honour some six years later. Icarus was also rewarded for his valour. The book written about them became a film
  • unoriginally named "Icarus and the Iron Lady". That was long ago & now the Iron Lady's Iron Cross hung below the Grandfather Clock in her mansion. Icaras lost his job as Pilot when
  • his wings were broken due to his being defenestrated by Longshanks for getting to close to his son. "The problem with Faeryland is that it is full of Faeries." was on her Iron Cros
  • -s-stitched sampler she had hanging over her bed. Faeries love mottos. She also had a T-shirt that said "No Wings, No Antennae, No Service" but she never wore it because it was
  • two sizes too small and accentuated what used to be a cute little faerie pot belly but was now a bloated goblinesque gut. "That's IT!" she said "Today is the day I start
  • “To exercise!” She then thought about that declaration for a moment before adding “Right after I order a double serving of my all time , most favorite of all, chocolate covered


  1. LordVacuity Feb 14 2018 @ 11:47

    Faery nuts.

  2. Woab Feb 14 2018 @ 13:05

    Oh yes, that's the only ending really, Futique old dear.

  3. SlimWhitman Feb 14 2018 @ 17:49

    Are those anything like bear nuts but more sparkly?

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