The shrouded gates opened. Amy moved towards

  • The shrouded gates opened. Amy moved towards them. Then she was stopped. A red-eyed raven hulked on the Gate post. It gargled, "Ms. Winehouse, where do you think you're going?"
  • "Rehab," Amy replied. "No, Ms. Winehouse," said the raven. "This is the 27 Club. We have been expecting you." She entered the courtyard. "Come as you are, Amy," said Kurt Cobain.
  • Amy scrutinized Kurt with a repulsed glare. She knew damn well that He'd never quote his own lyrics in such a way, but the cocktail of drugs in her system made it hard to think.
  • Amy's mascara was running copiously down her cheeks and onto the blackened spoon. Kurt quipped "a mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido" as a mulatto albino mosquito walked by
  • and sank its blood slurper into Amy's tear-streaked cheek. She swatted it away, but it was too late... it had already given poor Amy malaria. Kurt was there for her to get the cure
  • for her measles but the malaria really hit her system hard. Later, Kurt stopped by the hospital to bring her flowers and a magazine when he saw a rabid bat gnawing on Amy's neck.
  • This was odd, as Kurt Cobain knew that rabid bats more often than not suffered from paralysis. One ASPCA call later, his girlfriend Amy was placidly contracting narcolepsy added to
  • I tell the gatekeeper, "We come to the rich tart tarantula looking for asylum." (Not to shabby for one semester of college Latin.)
  • Granted immediate entrance, we were invited to rest our weary limbs on tuffets & to share ceremonial curds & whey. Surrounded now, we weren't frightened by our hosts in the least.


  1. Chaz Feb 09 2015 @ 12:58

    Close one gate, open another...

  2. Quiller1 Feb 12 2015 @ 15:07

    The afterlife is a busy busy place.

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