The once was a pooping unicorn who had the

  • The once was a pooping unicorn who had the worst B.O. everyone on the earth died
  • And then the world blew up.
  • sea biscuit came to save the day by running into battle against the enemy.
  • He killed everyone. Then he killed himself.
  • That's how you're going to end your book? Seriously? If I were you I would
  • go to the library and tear the last 3 pages of every mystery. Then I would put a ransom note offering the reader the ending. My plan is fool-proof.
  • Three pounds for the final pages, then two pounds fifty extra if they want me to stitch them back into the book. I snuck into the library late at night and made sure not to trigger
  • the alarm, my sewing kit satchel in tow. Stealthy, I was, tiptoeing silently through the dark library, searching. Damn! The blasted book apparently wasn't shelved properly!
  • It was laying on a poorly lit table, opened at a chapter I hadn't noticed before. As I walked slowly towards it, I felt the dark envelope me, grow thicker. I read the
  • account, by the light of a guttering candle, of my untimely demise and reincarnation as a sea monkey and felt resigned but happy at my aquatic fate.


  1. Krammy Apr 12 2015 @ 09:20

    Hehe, @callmeepee envelope and envelop* are two different things.

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