It was an exquisite corpse. The ends were

  • It was an exquisite corpse. The ends were perfect from the beehive coif to the freshly french manicured toes. The only problem I could see was the middle. It needed something like
  • the bulging triceps of Popeye the Sailor. I would have to shanghai some drunken salt in the Opium district. With a few swift cuts the torso would fit perfectly with the rest of the
  • Chevas brotherhood. He used to be in the Crown Royal crew. He'd had a duster made from the purple felt bags. Now he was with Chevas and
  • guava and he liked tacos and burritos and drove a camaro and wrote his ese with a bit sombrero while watching Zorro and playing balaclava and khav khalash and borscht bratwurst in
  • his dream. He woke with an idea for his restaurant chain! A Germanorussomexican Fusion cuisine driveup. Tellers wearing Zorro masks & lederhosen served tequila in matryoshyka dolls
  • while yodeling mariachi tunes to the sound of balalaikas. "Why did we have to eat here?", Glenn inquired of his wife NettyPotty. "Honey it's sophisticated." , she answered. "Nothin
  • quite like live music, no-siree-bob!" Glen muttered something about "dead music" that NettyPotty thought best to ignore. After a twenty minute wait there was no sign of the waiter.
  • Little did they know that the waiter had donned a Rowlf costume and was jammin with the band, laying down a sweet staccato keyboard riff. Glen was getting seriously hungry and
  • decided to eat a whole roasted camel leg and six blueberry muffins. It was only when Glen asked for another muffin that the waiter returned from jammin with the band to
  • provide the requested comestibles. It was a rather long voyage home on the three-legged camel but Glen kept us in high spirits with his endless haikus.


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 20 2012 @ 01:43

    Haikus about Hookahs, no doubt.

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