Am I the only one who cares about wrecking

  • Am I the only one who cares about wrecking ball accuracy anymore? Sheesh, Dale, when I say that I want the Blockbuster destroyed, I don't mean the corner deli. Give it another go.
  • And just like that, the bookstore got demo'd. "Dammit Dale! First the deli, now the bookstore. Gimme that thing." Wally took control of the wrecking ball & scowled at the Blockbust
  • er buster, 'cause now Dale was busted! "You're never gonna earn your Wrecking Ball Certificate that way,you idiot!" But then Wally's hand slipped and WHAM! Right into Dale's crotch
  • smelled of a pine forest. People would come from miles around and just sniff it. Like deep, eyes rolling in your head whiffs. Dale was called "Pine Bloke" and from that day
  • until the day that followed he was admired by everyone in the county. But on that fateful afternoon, while receiving a Medal of Odour from the mayor, a lightning bolt from a sudden
  • thunderstorm struck and hit him in the heart. He and his Medal of Odour were now flashy -- from the cameras or the lightning, they all did not know.
  • Unfortunately he had a metal heart, so the lightning struck him extra hard. His manly odor gained a burnt, stale note. All of the production team members dashed from his presence.
  • The performance scheduled to start at 7:30 had to be postponed for reasons that the audience was not allowed to know. At least not until the negotations were completed. Striking
  • ly, the lights in the hall stayed out. The audience grew impatient. The negotiations behind the curtain grew louder and some
  • audience members weighed in,few at first,but not long and everyone was embroiled in the discussion.People grew violent.They were the first victims of the ensuing world war.


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