The whole family had agreed, so here he was

  • The whole family had agreed, so here he was lying on a beach chair Christmas eve watching the surf come in on the beach. "I miss snow" he said. Strangely a moment later a snowflake
  • landed softly on his 'Keep Christ in Xmas' T-shirt. The waves froze over, disrupting the surfing bros. The sand castle moats turned to ice as well, trapping plastic gators and
  • shrinking beach balls. The menacing surfy gang threatened to blow up Sturgis if the bikie gang's leader didn't stop dating the sister of the leader of the surfy gang. Surfing bros.
  • "It's not that I don't like you," said the MSG leader. "You've got a keen chopper. It's the politics. Look, all of this inter-gang dating is just too damned confusing." The biker
  • psychologist listened attentively. The Biker Psychologist wore studded leather. He carved notes into his flesh with a knife while his clients' recounted their trauma's on a harley
  • Davidson road trip five years later. They had seen the Smorgasbord and Mr. Lutfisk at the looking for a rare book on biker psychology published by the University of Illinois Press.
  • 4 years later & they were coming out of a Target in Tempe, Arizona when a couple stopped in front of them to ask, "Is it true you saw Smorgasbord & Mr. Lutifisk at the Looking".
  • "Of course not," said Jeff. "I was merely showing Grzegorz around. You know? Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz? The Pole who insists he started World War II?"
  • "Never heard of him," grumbled Vyzvzev, "Run that up your flag, Pole, and see who goose-steps." Jeff and Grzegorz were shocked at this flip remark. "Looks like we're doomed to
  • be rushin' around here for a while!" Jeff whispered to Grzegorz as Vyzvzev continued his antagonizing altercation. "Belarusse us up some vodka. We'll be Putin in our time tonight!"


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 14 2017 @ 11:12

    Da, yes ye good olde soviet pun, comrade! http://foldingstory.com/1srv5/

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