Don Pasquale de la Conejo lived in his Vila

  • Don Pasquale de la Conejo lived in his Vila on the edge of Oidoflojo. His Great grandfather began the tradition of hiding golden eggs each spring as homage to his deceased wife,
  • but old great grandpapa Razzi forgot where he hid the golden eggs. Don Pasquale de la Conejo and cousin Don Pardo de Cojones dug up cacti & bougainvillea in grandpapa Razzi's yard
  • in search of the golden eggs. "Great gadzookas!" cried Don Pasquale de la Conejo, as his shovel hit something hard. "Qué demonios!" added Don Pardo de Cojones. It was a wooden box.
  • They unearthed the box, sweeping off the grit that hung on to the wooden grain. Pasquale placed one hand on the lid and attempted to pull it open while Pardo watched, fascinated.
  • Pasquale told Pardo to help him open the lid. With a combined effort, the two managed to open the wooden box. A collective gasp came from both of them. The glow from inside the box
  • indicated that something either very valuable or holy was inside. "Pardo," Pasquale whispered. "You can go now. The treasure's mine." Pardo gasps. "Is this what you say to me?
  • After all we've been through? Everything I've done for you?" He drew his sword. "Stand and fight me, traitor!" Pasquale held the box close. "You don't understand- this is
  • A life or death matter. The global economy is at stake." The stock traders suddenly looked like fake plastic trees. They grew leaves that were blowing at 50 mph. The banksters were
  • running away as fast as their admittedly not so little legs could carry them. The traders, oblivious to the chaos around them, began to loudly discuss this most recent discovery.
  • There it was on the front page of the London-Prague-New York-Washington Times. ONE HIPPY IN PICCADILLY. JUST ONE. GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN!


  1. LordVacuity Aug 18 2016 @ 21:05

    I love it!

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