The man in the hat spit on the ground contemptuously.

  • The man in the hat spit on the ground contemptuously. "He's telling the truth," he growled, resigned. "He doesn't know anything else about the warehouse. You know what to do."
  • The man's hat was big, and yellow. This was part of the plan where George was supposed to do something but the warehouse of bananas was so fragrant that George as 'Nana Drunk."
  • as he was fell into a stupor. The bananas pealed themselves dancing & singing like Carmen Miranda. George grew into a giant ape & destroyed the warehouse. The man in the yellow hat
  • spun out on a peel in his 150cc go-(c/k)art trying to escape. George's steroidal, bananadine-fueled rage was all it took for him to confuse the man in the yellow hat for lunch. Jus
  • t a taste & George was hooked. The man in the yellow hat was delicious! But George was curious, if human was this good, how good would monkey be? He joined up with Inquisitive Stan
  • Lee in his search for more "real life superhumans". Apparently, the old coot caught wind of a real life Neanderthal that had been living in the Andes Mountains. This was a perfect
  • scam. We would get Lee to pay us hundreds to find him "superhumans". He was the kind of guy so behind on times that he wouldn't know the difference between science and magic.
  • Valtteri was a master of science and magic. His monocle distinguished him from the masses. "I have a major announcement", he started to say when the time bomb exploded. The next
  • second was quite chaotic. For starters, the time bomb that had just went off shook the ground like it was giving birth. To top it off, Valtteri couldn't even finish his sentence!
  • It was a travesty that his work would never be truly completed, but as the sun set behind the rising flames and smoke of the explosion, he thought "What a strange world this is."


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