Sand. Everywhere. Driven by the hot dry winds,

  • Sand. Everywhere. Driven by the hot dry winds, beating against the windows and doors, the desert sand was finding its way in. As the house groaned under the pressure of each gust,
  • they huddled together under the blanket. Sand was in their hair, between the folds of their skin, in their nostrils. The dusty granules caked their and formed
  • some of the most exquisite boogers ever known to human fingers. They were the kind with jagged edges and a gooey "tail" that felt like it lead all the way to the brain. The sandy
  • texture of the innermost boogers seemed to scratch at the inside of my nostrils. It felt good, even despite the pain and bleeding. I poked my nose further, and then
  • a universe, forged in blood, expanded from my nasal cavity -- filling the room with the innocent glee of a thousand newborn stars.
  • The pain in my nose expanded through my head like a supernova, my nervous system was overloaded
  • I knew I shouldn't have eaten that donut I found in the bathroom. I went to the doctor and explained my situation. I pleaded with him for any meds or pastries he could give me.
  • The doctor responded by prescribing a muscle relaxant. I proceeded to return home, take the the muscle relaxant, and thats when everything turned sour.
  • The relaxant combined with a freak undiscovered manufacturing fault within the mattress meant that when it folded in half, my limbs tangled. I resembled a pretzel. I could only
  • only lay and wait. Luckily the relaxant and the bed combined to lull me to sleep. I dreamt of salty snacks and children playing with massive fondant tubes. Willy Wonka again?


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