If I ran my high school I'd...

  • If I ran my high school I'd...
  • make them serve pizza during classes which would all be outside during good weather. P.E. would be all afternoon. Instead of principal, I'd be called King Kong & wear a robe made o
  • -f memory foam. It has always been my dream to have a memory foam robe. Not clothes, no just a massive sheet of memory foam wrapped around my naked body
  • and I would be in Heaven. I could fall asleep standing up. I frequently do that now but with the memory foam suit there would less incidences of me hitting my head on the ground
  • With the convient bungee cords on the wrists, I can sleep upright on the subway. The suit is dayglo orange with a stenciled warning that the owner will sue if touched. Ear-buds
  • keep me placid with MLP's greatest hits so I don't get woken by the subway winos. My dayglo orange suit on, my bungee cords keeping me upright, I dozed off on my commute to work.
  • Unfortunately, this would be the one time I didn't wake up on time for my stop. The train stopped, people went out, people came in, I dozed on. In fact, I only woke up when
  • I noticed the man in a blue suit appear infront of me out of the aether, briefcase in hand. I'd seen him before. After the battle with the Nihalanth. The Fed, the G-Man, my benefac
  • tor from another place. "Gordon Freeman - in the flesh. Or rather, in the hazard suit. Mr. Freeman...tell me, are you a fan of...Jägermeister?" I needed a drink after all the shit
  • I'd witnessed. "Nein, danke." It was better that I didn't. I needed a clear head to work out my next strategy. Flesh Gordon had to be eliminated. But that's another story.


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