I love the taste of burnt popcorn in the

  • I love the taste of burnt popcorn in the morning.
  • and the taste of cold pizza and a warm coke. I stretched my arms and bumped my head on the bottom of the coffee table. My face was half-covered in Cheetos. It was some party.
  • The only thing I remembered clearly about the party last night was some hard core dancing before I nearly passed out and someone poured the cheetos that were on my face all over me
  • . It was that picture posted on Facebook that my boss saw. She called me into her office for a dress down as soon as I arrived (hungover) for work the next morning. I burped
  • one of those surprise burps that gurgles up through your nose and tingles, hurts a little. I grimaced and hurled onto the lid of my boss's closed trash can. She rubbed my back and
  • I apologised, grabbing a dish cloth to wipe up the mess. 'How embarrassing,' I thought. I walked out of the room feeling sick, so I took the rest of the day off back home.
  • If I could call what I returned to home. In my time away, the dog had wreaked havoc. Furniture overturned and feces on the walls led to the back bedroom, where a primitive shrine
  • used to be erected had now a blank empty space. I was shocked to see that nothing was left. I turned to the dog to kick him out of the window. and out of my life
  • but the dog was nowhere to be seen. I looked for my gun but couldn't find it either. So i picked up a book on Quantum Theory and went outside and sat in the shade of a tree.
  • Time flies when you're having fun, and as I was learning how to normalise the wave function, the clouds were beginning to congregate over my head and a chill grew in the air.


  1. Chaz Jan 20 2015 @ 22:41

    "Time flies like an arrow; Fruit flies like a banana." - Author Unknown

  2. zxvasdf Jan 21 2015 @ 21:50

    You normalize wave functions with burnt popcorn.

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