His simple duty is to replace the spirit

  • His simple duty is to replace the spirit in the body of the dying and allow them to move on while he takes their last breath. Without him, the spirits of the dead
  • would be up shit creek without a paddle. They needed him. Without hm the place wouldn't work and now they wanted to replace him with a computer. So he was bringing his scythe to
  • HotTopic, where maybe he could get a little appreciation. The folks there seemed like they'd admire the chilling visage of the Grim Reaper, but, alas, when he arrived they were
  • all obsessed with the return of the sweater vest and the "new pastels." I had to leave for fear of
  • dying from over-exposure to the fashion faux pas. After all, the only woman who could pull off a taupe sweater vest was
  • In a home for the criminally insane, barking "Time for church!" all day long. The Church Lady
  • was not amused. That was her gig, bringing the insane to Jesus Christ. She kept using the stinky eye on him. She tried to suppress her gypsy roots, but they just came out when
  • she did her belly-dancing routine at the last supper. It always wowed the crowds but Jesus and his entourage just weren't into it. "Bunch of wet blankets." She thought.
  • Ever since the gig at Herods she'd gotten a luke warm response for her dance of the seven veils and their purser sure was cheap she cursed. But she was still a femme fatale
  • if you ignored the rolls of twinkie fat and the fact she had facial scars from picking at her acne. Still, there's someone out there for anyone so long as they don't work hard.


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