One day, when I was extremely bored and making

  • One day, when I was extremely bored and making up stories with my imaginary friends seemed too boring, I decided to create a new game. A game that put me in this straight jacket.
  • The game is called "Gay Man in a Straight Jacket" and 4 can play at a time. You need a deck of cards, a Cher CD, and a straight jacket. The person who can lip sync "Half Breed"
  • gets to wear the straight jacket while the other players try to remove it only using their teeth. What could possibly go wrong? I hear you ask. Well, in a word, dentures.
  • When me and my merry cellmates played this the last time, some of the fellas missed my straightjacked, and bit into my facial features instead. This meant I won the game, but lost
  • They moved me to a mental ward where I would rap battle would the other patients.
  • Of course, I would lose. Rapping somehow comes easier to the other psych ward residents. I'm not insane enough to spout out words in such rapid succession I suppose, but I could
  • tell puns like nobody's business. Because, you see, I like to PUN-ish people. Get it? Hahahaha, I crack me up! So anyways, the nice man in the white coat comes up to me and says
  • A laugh a day keeps the doctor away. Perfect punishment for those of us who love playing with words. Brion Gysin was correct when he said the cut up method was good therapy for him
  • because there is absolutely nothing that he likes more than playing cut up with some Whitehall whore after she tittered. They all titter don't they. Now they also Twitter. Cut up.
  • It used to be much harder to cut them up, but now that they had Twitter it was easy. They were always looking down at their phones. It was too easy, but he was an ill, ill man.


  1. Woab Mar 07 2017 @ 15:49

    Crazy, man.

  2. Woab Mar 07 2017 @ 15:49

    btw, 'Gay Man in a Straight Jacket' is brill, Prof.

  3. LordVacuity Mar 07 2017 @ 16:06

    Sorry, but I was under the influence of having seen a trailer for the new Jack The Ripper comes to the Future to run around San Francisco shows that is coming out soon.

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