The scientists and councellors were baffled.

  • The scientists and councellors were baffled. He seemed normal: steady job, house, wife, kids. And yet his sense of humor had stalled out at an 8-year-old's level. At Board Meetings
  • it was scented whoopee cushion roulette. But since the 'skunk bomb' was the staple best seller at Flat & Rimkin Trustees, and Jack Flat was a senior partner, the Board put up with
  • it. Jack grimaced at a whiff of a skunk-loaded squishy surprise, as an unlucky player plopped onto a rigged whoopee cushion. Oscar Rimkin laughed, "The smeller's the feller, Jack!"
  • The stench infiltrated the room almost immediately & everyone turned to look at Jack as Oscar rolled under the table, rocking with laughter. Then Jack ripped a HUGE one, a REAL one
  • . It was a HUGE and REAL unicorn, and the assembled watchers were open-mouthed with shock that anyone would callously rip it apart. Oscar stopped laughing, horrified at Jack's rage
  • . "It's survival of the fittest," said Jack. "I'm unfit, so all other species must end." Next on his hit list: ivory-billed woodpeckers, the poor bastards. Oscar's animal sanctuary
  • lived in Honolulu, home of such creatures of nonsense fiction as the purple-squatted hummingbrush, the boobiewobble, and several species of the rare though not yet extinct bee bee
  • manatee - half bee, half manatee. Bee bee manatees live off the coast of Honolulu in secretive colonies storing seaweed honey in cells carved with pointy teeth from conch shells.
  • The "manabees" interbred with killer mañanabees from Mexico. The bright yellow hybrids were called killer bañanas, contracted to kabañanas, and fed on copra, thus copra kabañanas.
  • And thus, after cross breeding, and ungodly combinations driven by perverse desires you wind up with the final single from Barry Manilow's fifth studio album. Beddie-bye honey.


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