"Ryan? Ryan are you there?" Only the whispy

  • "Ryan? Ryan are you there?" Only the whispy trail from the last Manchester airport departure disturbed the peaceful sky as an unshaven figure emerged cautiously from a trolley.
  • "I'm here!" the scruffy man replied. "Goddamit, what have you gotten me into this time?" Ryan simply smiled and beckoned the man towards the now vacant airline check-in desk.
  • He said, "What I have gotten you into is a job as a counter agent for Korean Airlines." The scruffy man said, "Listen, Tin-Tin, your metrosexual bullshit won't work on Captain Hadd
  • ock. He's a cold fish." "Not as cold a fish as you, you sexually insecure maladroit," Rin Tin-Tin shot back at the scruffy man. The scruffy man tried to kidnap the dog, so Rin
  • scrambled up a tree (because TV dogs can do that). Rin Tin Tin scraped some bark into the man's gaping mouth. "I guess it's true," Rin laughed. "My bark is worse than my bite!
  • " The man spat out the bark and growled, "Yeah, but not mine!" Then he bit Rin Tin Tin's haunch & with a yowl & a howl, they fell out of the tree. "HEY! This is not in the script!"
  • "You're resting on your laurels Rin! Making cameos for petfood! I used to look up to you back when you used your intelligence for good!" said the man & spat out a tuft of dog hair.
  • Rin couldn't bring himself to be ashamed. "Pet food's my passion, Pete," he barked at the man, flattening his ears. "And I'll use my doggy intelligence however well I damn please!"
  • It was Pete's turn to be ashamed. Who was he to try & limit Rin's doggy instincts. He joined him in rolling in cow pats & eating decomposing rat. With the wind in their ears, they
  • turned to each other, grinning through the cow scat situated between their teeth. "I'm really glad I have a pal like you," Rin said. "Who else could appreciate such a delicacy?"


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