His wife was visiting her mother again -

  • His wife was visiting her mother again - the dishes piled up in the sink. He ordered pizza, watched tv & surfed 'til 4am, slept until noon, didn't shave. He reached a new low when
  • he discovered foldingstory.com. He was well on his way to becoming a Foul Bachelor Frog, but then the Cat in the Hat came to his rescue. The Cat cleaned the dishes and
  • counted the soap fifteen times. The Cat in the Hat had a real bad case of OCD. He counted fish, he drone on and on. When Mike Meyers stayed with him doing research for the film
  • he went through 15 cases of egg trying to get just the right shade of green for the green eggs and ham gag. Then he realized he wasn't even in that bit. It was that "Sam I am" guy
  • . It was years in development hell for the "Green Eggs and Ham" movie. Sean Penn walked off stage feeling he was typecast as the Sam guy. What was his motivation? Why green eggs?
  • Doubt set in- "Who am I, even? Am I Sam?" "More upbeat for Christ's sakes" M. Night barked, "They're not supposed to know you're a manic depressant until the END." The eggs were gr
  • osse and wet.M.night insisted that the poor actor put one in his mouth.The actor refused,so he took one in his right hand and said:"You were once an egg!You think this is grosse?A
  • nd what about THIS?" M. Night, out of the blue, then proceeded to breakdance on a cardboard mat and throw it down. This was certainly a TWIST, and the poor actor simply watched,
  • shaking his head in shame as he foresaw this whole project going the same way as David Lynch and whoever the hell was responsible for Lost. Still, M. Night's dance wasn't half bad.
  • My favorite part of the night was Ron Howard &John Waters doing their fancy dance to "Toxic". The soiree was coming to a close, but you could tell no one wanted to leave, ever.


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