A glistening drop of dew hung onto the edge

  • A glistening drop of dew hung onto the edge of the fairy's just opened hollyhock flower and she stretched and picked her sharp little teeth. It looked like a good day to
  • prick the conscience of a mortal. Since moving to the Environmental unit, Tink found meaning again in her work. Oberon was very pleased with the results she obtained with Obama.
  • Yet Tink knew that Fou-F ou wasn't happy still. With all the Obama results, everyone thought that Oberon would just lay off. But Fou-Fou recogized that he was just trying to get in
  • to a total funk and start reading Sylvia Plath poems, smoking, carving pentagrams into my arm and generally annoying the crap over all who gazed in my direction. It was all
  • I could do to fit in with all the other chain-smoking nilhists. I decided then to be ultra-non-conformist. I wore an orange opera cloak, read the backs of cereal boxes and started
  • urinating sitting down, but it turned out I was just conforming with Dadaists. Dang, noncomformity was difficult. Then I learned it wasn't about not fitting in, but being yourself.
  • That's when I took up Performance Art. Because everything that I do as me, in the context of art, is totally original and not reproducible....it's not saleable either. That didn't
  • go over well with the Mrs. Not at all. She'd become accustomed to a certain standard of living and my new-found passion as a Performance Artist in Golden Gate Park had made a total
  • shambles of our finances and we had to downgrade our lifestyle quite a bit. Miming money in Cthulhu garb didn't pay the rent. But my wife stuck with me through thin and thinner,
  • and thinner and thinner until finally there was nothing left of her. I remained, stricken with grieve, but otherwise fine. I don't need much, just blue sky above and a full stomach


  1. Chaz Nov 29 2011 @ 23:53

    It's Performance Art, ENJOY IT! (rrrrr....)

  2. BlastedHeath Nov 30 2011 @ 00:06

    Whenever I'm reminded of Performance Art, or really, at random moments throughout the day, I think: "There just aren't enough mental health professionals to go around."

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