At my Life Drawing class the model had quite

  • At my Life Drawing class the model had quite small nipples. The man next to me had drawn enormous nipples the shape of toothpaste tops pointing in different directions like search
  • lights. Far be it from me to judge his artistic expression. But then I noticed he wasn't drawing the model at all. He was staring at me...and my chest! Maybe I shouldn't have
  • come to art class topless. But I was one of those women who couldn't stand it if any other female in the room got more attention than me. I jutted my breasts out further & arched
  • my lower back in an attempt at contortion. "Stress fracture, 3rd lumbar," my physician later reported. "That was stupid. You're vanity is out of control. Regardless, I would like
  • to take some pictures, I mean x-rays...Wipe that smirk off your face." I didn't flinch at the doc's brutal honesty. My back was killing me, so I agreed to his wishes. He laid me
  • on my back while the scanner went over my body, "I can see what the problem is, you have a little alien living inside you", I needed to find out more was it dead? was it alive? how
  • long had it been there? I knew it hadn't entered in Africa. They scanned for parasitic aliens in me when i entered the plane just as they always did. Somehow it must have hidden
  • Itself inside my gut, disguised as undigested food. The food police were scanning for any trace of forbidden foods on their list, including donuts. I never ate any after 1995.
  • Not that you'd noticed anyway. Not after but surely on the side. Definitely on the side; in the dark and covered by compost. Time only enhances the flavor with regret and shame.
  • Then he awoke SCREAMING, dug his way out of the compost, regretful and ashamed, grasping onto the letter the aliens had given him; he read to the World:┴ɥᴉs ᴉs ʇɥǝ ʍɐʎ ᴉʇ ɹǝɐps ʍɥǝ


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