Confession: I dread going to my massage treatment

  • Confession: I dread going to my massage treatment appointments. I know I'm weird.
  • I'm also quite flamboyant in many aspects, but people don't need to know that. The truth? I have a horrible hand fetish. When I get touched by other people it gets me all riled up
  • which is precisely why I became the President of the United States...so much mutual hand-touching in politics. I sighed. Even Michelle didn't know about my hand fetish.
  • Michele was always too busy examining her massive feet. She'd struggled to get shoes that fit but found a Mexican guy that would make her open toe sandles
  • out of used tractor tires. The burnt rubber and manure smell were also a good cover for her foot odor. The Mexican guy, Adolpho was into big feet, and Michele's massive phalanges
  • made Adolpho feel like Christmas inside. The smell got worse and Michele decided to leave as far as she could. She stole a bicycle 2 blocks down the street and
  • immediately regretted it:sirens began howling and-following a 5 hour high-speed chase with the cops-ended up in the slammer."This is the end",Michele thought.This cell was what she
  • Had heard it was from her ex husband, who had seven DUI arrests and still drove. How could he get away with that unless he bribed the police? It was time to sleep and she crashed.
  • But she fell into an uneasy sleep. Plagued with those troubling thoughts, her mind continued to race despite her efforts to rest. But the time finally came and she drifted off...
  • The sunlight was filtering through the thin white curtains when she opened her eyes again. Sitting up abruptly, she glanced around the room. She was the only one in the room.


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