They discovered a new species in Australia.

  • They discovered a new species in Australia. Guess what it is? Hint: It ain't fluffy. Meet the Kimberley Death Adder, with a highly toxic venom killing humans in hours. My Uncle Rus
  • Zygimantas wanted to study, but he couldn't
  • make up his mind what to study. So he went to a studious guru & said "Oh mighty guru! Inflame my quest for knowledge. Show me the way. What am I to study?" The guru reached deep in
  • to a leather hat and pulled out a card. The guru stared at it, uncertain, brow furrowed. Their gaze catches mine, and we are silent. 'Card tricks,' the guru states simply at last.
  • The Guru could tell that the audience was not following him or interested in his magic. He turned to his left, reached into another hat and pulled out a white
  • business card. "If anyone is interested, please call me." Nobody came forward, and the Guru left dejected. But a few days later, Isaac Perrin sent a message by unusual means. The G
  • Guru was beseeched to shepherd Perrin's goth daughter towards a more tranquil existence. So he crashed a Batcave dance where she cavorted, and urged all to meditate on consonance.
  • "Behold the Batman, bow before Batman, believe in Batman!" chanted everyone in the dank cave. Guru and Perrin's goth daughter held hands as they prepared for the ceremony to
  • Annoint her Empress of The Universe. Batman and Robin stood and watched the sacred wine be poured for everyone as a blood sacrifice in the name of The Universe. Spectators were
  • were systematically killed in honor of the empress. Batman and Robin gave up, deciding to find an easier evil to fight that afternoon, but not before retiring to a delicious lunch.


  1. SlimWhitman May 08 2016 @ 07:33

    "Holy Curly Fries and Hotsauce Batman, Batburgers are delicious!"

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