جلس الكائن الفضائي في مركبته

  • جلس الكائن الفضائي في مركبته الفضائيّة يتفحّص المدينة من الأعلى عبر نافذة مركبته. ينظر إلى أنوار ناطحات السحاب المتلألئة، و السيّارات التي تعبر الشوارع، و الطيور في السماء
  • و جمالها الذي انساه مصاعب الرحلة التي استغرقها في اكتشاف الفضاء و حزنة الذي تملكه يوم رحيلة عن كوكبة زحل و قاطع تأملة صوت مزعج جدا فنطر الي مصدر الازعاج غاضب و ما كان و ما كان ال
  • الا طفل قام بإغلاق التلفاز فجأة مع اندماج العائلة في مشاهدة الفلم فغضب الأب و صرخ على الطفل فقرر أن يخرج من البيت وعند خروجه تمشى بالحديقة شاهد عائلة في مطعم بيتزا بجانب بيتهم فقرر
  • ان يقدم البيتزا الى عائلته و تأسفه على صراخه و استوعب ان الامر لا يستحق كل هذا الغضب ، و قرر ان يكمل الحلقة في اليوم الآخر و عند بداية اليوم الاخر اكمل الحلقة و كانت بدايتها ان الف
  • ‎ان الفضائي سمع صوت مزعج قادم من كوكب الارض فقرر ان يتفحص هذا الكوكب و عند نزوله على كوكب الارض و مشاهدة جمال مافيها و بسبب خوف الناس منه قرر ان يستولي على
  • جميع ما على كوكب الارض من كل شي سواءٍ حي او ميت و الاستفادة منه بشكل او بآخر و التعدد في استخدامات هذه الاغراض التي الاحياء التي سوف يستولي عليها او بمعنى اخر يتملكها لوحده ومن ثم
  • His eyes hurt from trying to read the tiny print. He closed them, but there they were again, dancing on the inside of his eyelids like flickers doing a mating ritual. By the time
  • he had finished reading, his head was swimming with the weight of the new knowledge he now held. he felt as if he might explode. A moment later, a young woman walked by and looked
  • just like a big stinking phony baloney. I spit at her and she spit back. Then she took off her shoe and threw it at me. She missed me by a mile. That is how far I got before her si
  • lencer put a bullet into my left thigh. I dropped, my hands clasped tightly over the wound. Her violent turn was terrifying. This was supposed to be a friendly contest of wit!


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 05 2018 @ 19:15

    Welcome to all the new storywriters! I have tried to translate lines 1-6 as well as I could below using some artistic license in places were the rather rough google translation was hard for me to understand. Sorry if I messed up the intended meaning! The space alien sat in its spacecraft scanning the city from above through the window of its vehicle, looking at the lights of the skyscrapers, cars crossing the streets, and birds in the sky. It appreciated the place's beauty, forgetting the difficulties of the journey it took to discover this space quadrant, which was a day away from the constellation of Saturn and tried to ignore the sound of a very disturbing voice. The source of the annoying angry voice was an angry father who had turned off the television suddenly during a family gathering so his children were unable to watch the rest of a film and shouted at his children. He decided to go out of the house and when he went walking in the garden, he saw a family in a pizza restaurant next door and decided to provide pizza to his family and regretting his screams and understood that his family did not deserve all this anger, and decided to complete the episode the next day and the next morning he completed the episode which was the beginning of a thousand nights. That space alien heard an annoying noise coming from the planet and decided to examine this planet. When he came to the planet and saw the beauty of crime syndication and because of the fear the people had of him, he decided to seize all of what the planet had, whether alive or dead and benefit in one way or another from the many uses of the new possessions in all the neighborhoods he'd captured and was the sole owner of, and then

  2. LordVacuity Oct 05 2018 @ 19:19

    I thank you Sir or Madam for this service you have rendered to humanity on this day.

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