Towards the rotating knives

  • Towards the rotating knives
  • attached to the colossal robotic arm
  • was yo-yo the size of Mac truck. The mech did Walk-the-Dog across five lanes of traffic caroming SUVs across the highway. Helicopters were taken out by Around-the-World.
  • They called the A-team, who took out the Mech's giant yo-yo with an grenade launcher improvise out of a toaster, a pet bottle & a pack of smarties. But the yo-yo was just sleeping!
  • Which made the mech's defeat easy for the A-Team, who put lyrics to their own theme song. "Luna the Third! Blueblood the Third. Cadance the Third! Celestia the Third." And so
  • on Three, they marched merrily down the lane, skipping and hopping until they rose high up into the air on a rainbow cloud... wait, don't take me away! I just need my meds! Nooo!
  • Rainbow cloud TSA agents are notoriously quick to frisk, and I had a veritable arsenal in my pants. Coming down was a must. I snatched the sandbags from a passing hot air balloon
  • and lowered myself onto the top of the Chrysler Building. Still in sight of the TSA agents, they sent their best guy after me. My quick reflexes when into action, I grabbed a hover
  • mower and brandished it as menacingly as was possible without the benefit of a significantly longer extension cord. Their best guy paused for a moment, before
  • kicking the mower and screaming, "Electric mowers are crap! Bring back gas powered mowers! Fossil fuels rule, don't let the dinosaurs' extinction have been all for naught! Aargh!!!


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