Living on the storey beneath the elephants

  • Living on the storey beneath the elephants wasn't easy.
  • In fact Tutley the Turtle had quite enough of being the pedestal for the World Elephants. Just the stench of their asteroid sized dung droppings alone was enough to make him
  • Howard Hughes times infinite. When Tutley the Turtle stepped away and all the elephants started to collapse, the world fell too. Atlas rubbed his shoulders and said, "Thanks
  • Terry Pratchett, my work here is finally done!". Atlas flew through the space in search for another world to lift that wasn't destroyed in some surreal tragicomical way. He found
  • that the fates were ahead of him, breaking all directions and snuffing suns. The solitary darkness expanded outside and in. Perhaps, he thought, the irony could bring him
  • a moment of amusement, but then again, perhaps not. He tried to smile, but his lips would not cooperate. Now engulfed completely in darkness, he stumbled into what felt like
  • a huge tree trunk. At least that was what his fingers told him. The surface felt rough and dry and jutted out at places. But this was proved wrong when it started to move.
  • The man screamed as the tree sent out its branches to latch ahold of him. He struggled and squirmed against the trees might, but it was
  • too strong. The branches cut into every part of his body. Limbs began to slowly squeeze the life out of him. His feet were slowly lifted off the ground. He wondered why? What? How?
  • The Ent began to speak, deep & slow. "I a l w a y s l i k e g o i n g s o u t h " It said "s o m e h o w i t a l w a y s f e e l s l i k e g o i n g d o w n h i l l."


  1. Perronicus Sep 22 2015 @ 05:30

    Oh! Folding Story appears to remove double spaces, so there's no separation between the Ent's words :(

  2. SlimWhitman Sep 22 2015 @ 05:46

    I h a d n o t r o u b l e r e a d i n g e n t s p e a k.

  3. Perronicus Sep 22 2015 @ 05:53

    o h g o o d :)

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