Who said reading mainly fiction was a waste

  • Who said reading mainly fiction was a waste of time? Why today alone, I learned what excelsior & fruit machines are, & most of the $0.25 words I use to purple up my prose came from
  • my best friends food blog. Seriously! Donald is a conspiracy theorist with a food blog, so when he talks about Cosmic Brownies, you know he means business. One day he found out I
  • that it was really me behind the Cosmic Brownie conspiracy. He was devastated. We talked our relationship over and decided
  • , after much debate, that it was over. "Over?" he asked. "As in OVER OVER?" "Done," I reiterated. "Forever." I had more important things to do. The Cosmic Brownie experience
  • d wacky inflatable armed tube men with swiggly french fry hair zerg rushing the room using Russian MLG Dota tactics. The Cosmic Brownie was required to
  • doff its colorful candy bits to the fur-fashioned women of the tundra, who in cold ceremony returned the gesture with trays of lark's tongue in aspic and a mirthless dance of
  • summoning. The women chanted, and everyone watched in awe as the spirits appeared, dotting the tundra wit their pale blue tint. It was absolutly
  • beautiful, but then it became boring. No celebrities to interview no heroes of old to badger with past wisdom. Everyone just left. The spirits sensed this disdain.
  • Disgusted with this barren land, the spirits decided to abandon it. Leave it to wither. The spirits didn't care much about what happened to it after that.
  • In the end, it became sea after thousands of years. Then, strange plants and animals inhabited it, thus starting the cycle all over again. One scientist who resrarched it lived.


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