My son finished raking leaves into a big

  • My son finished raking leaves into a big pile & then abandoned it, explaining the bogey man under there swallowed his football. I smiled inside but the next day my car was missing
  • all four tires. Unbeknownst to me, the bogey man was setting up tire swings to improve his football accuracy. He was in a rec league with Drak, among others. They struggled against
  • the wrap-up tackling of the Mummies last week but they were playing the Vamps this week and everyone knows they suck. With Bogey Man's improved accuracy and Werewolf's
  • full back postion, I see good defense for the Monster squad. The Invisible Man's passing game still remains to be seen. The Ghoul kicker has a leg up he has his head in the game.
  • Coach Frankenstein assembled a team out of players who's prime was thought long gone. The Zombie center just won't die but the Vampire forward won't mirror his opponent because
  • his B.O. smelled like garlic, the Werewolf's hairy palms made it nearly impossible to hold onto the basketball, and the Mummy was severely distracted by wedgies. Coach Frankenstein
  • moaned; whether on not it was because he was disappointed or undead... t'was hard to differentiate. But the team of monsters needed professional training if they wanted to win a
  • pennant for the regional little league soccer (futbol). Didimo, a nerd, controlled the zombies while his teammates shriveled in horror. The coach was a rotting corpse now, but that
  • wasn't really a problem. He wasn't the nicest person when he was alive (in his human form) either. So - what was to be done now? Controlling the zombies seemed to be
  • the only way he could say he was sorry for that whole Helter Skelter mess he caused back in 1969. But, of course, he would be the only one to ever know that. He smiled peacefully.


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