Tarde al la escuela , y el hijo , se quedó

  • Tarde al la escuela , y el hijo , se quedó con la maestra.Entonces ya eran las 20:35 y la madre , se enbobó al ver al niño. Despues de un par de semanas , llamaron a la mama.

  • porque to mama tiene olor como pescados viejos.

  • As I replied very politely:"Nao mete a mae no meio que eu meto no meio da tua,aquela puta!"He didn't really undestand what I said word by word,but he got the idea.I walked out and

  • thought of other ways I could put my Portuguese skills to good practice in this hillbilly town. I went to my mother in law and told her "A tua cara faz-me vomitar, velha bruxa"

  • My in-law put down her corncob pipe and tooked at me. "You said, A tuna car fez my vomiter, Valhala Boxer? Make sense man!" Unfortunately papa-in-law was from Brazil and understood

  • that an authentic Valhalla Boxer would be too busy Valhalla Boxing to know about the tuna cars or the fezzed vomiters. He accused me of lying, so I

  • showed him a photo of his wife fornicating with a drunk haberdasher in the back of a tuna delivery van. I took no pleasure in it for it clearly broke him. It was a hard

  • picture to procure, as conditions had to be just right to capture that peculiar set of circumstances. He collapsed to the floor, sobbing, and asked me,

  • "What happened to your mustache?"

  • "The barber was expensive but I snagged and broke the razor on the sides. My voice has been real hoarse unless I shout, and I have this bad nervous twitch in my shoulder and arm."



  1. 49erFaithful Oct 26 2011 @ 19:20

    Had no idea that the photo my character was showing around was actually of his mother! Oh, cruel ironic twist of fate!

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