The dog seductively licked my toe. I've never

  • The dog seductively licked my toe. I've never been a subject of beastiality, but i liked it.
  • The problem was that he was my best friend. In the friend zone we were doomed to wander together yet apart, lost. I filled his bowl and gave him a platonic scratch behind the ear.
  • Then a platonic scratch on the back. Then a very not platonic squeeze of the butt cheek. If that didn't get the point across that I wanted to make sweet sweet babies with him
  • One day, there were a group of girls walking down the street. While they were walking all of a sudden a group of hot guys walking down the same street. they were so cute. OMG cutie
  • One of the girls walked over to the guys and said "Hey,
  • you look cute today."
  • "jk"
  • I knew then what all this was about. I had tried to block jk from my memory, but the sight of those letters carved into the forehead of my now dead uncle spoke volumes. I turned &
  • and browsed the previously empty shelves of the library now filled with my uncle's many volumes. I quickly became lost, and ruminated on the irony of knowledge setting one free.
  • Here I was trapped among Uncle's epic diary of his journey to the source of the Amazonas & 10 tome collection of poisonous beetles. Ouch that's sharp. Arghh. Damn Phidias!


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