The shot glass was overturned, but leaking

  • The shot glass was overturned, but leaking a brown liquid onto the table. "Alcohol abuse" thought Leo. He lifted the glass and tongued the remains, then slurped the rest off the
  • table. He wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and noticed that he was missing one of his cuff links. "Shoot! Those were my gramps' links. My mom's gonna kill me when
  • she finds out that I swiped the cufflinks from gramps' corpse during the wake." He had to make a choice - fess up about the stolen goods or hide the truth from her.
  • He decided to hide the truth from her. He HAD swiped the cufflinks from gramps' corpse. He was not proud, but he was 'styling' with the "stars and bars" cufflinks. Buford would
  • steal the teeth off his dead grandma. He'd stolen the shoe laces at Uncle Rob's funeral. Kissed sister Betty's ear when she died and stole the diamond earrings with his tongue
  • He always knew that time spent practicing tying a cherry stem would not be wasted. Little did he know that it would bring him that kind of fortune. If only he could figure out
  • how to do it with his feet. He was amazed a how people
  • could use their forearms, ear lobes, and even
  • the backfat in his signature Canibale(tm) 100% natural human apple sausages. Ready to serve, just seat and eat.
  • ...Harold finished reading the advertisement and shook his head. "I can only imagine what they'll do at the Super Bowl!" Harold laughed hysterically until he passed out.


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