Ursula venía de viaje, llevaba un traje

  • Ursula venía de viaje, llevaba un traje poco adecuado para la ocasión, pero de todos modos
  • se bajó del tren con toda parsimonia, y emprendió el camino como si conociera la ciudad de memoria.
  • But Cheech Marin didn't really speak Spanish. He just stared at the speaker and blinked his heavy, fat, puffy eye-lids beneath his massive forehead and
  • snickered. He couldn't remember what he was gonna say (if he was gonna say something), anyway. A breeze picked up. When it touched his face, Cheech swatted at his cheek. He thought
  • it might be a timely caress from the Noumenon, but it was actually a little swarm of letters that arranged themselves into suggestions of things Cheech might say, if he were to
  • lay off the weed enough to speak coherently. Such as "can god create a joint so large he can't smoke it?" or "Am I sober or am a just so stoned that I mistakenly think I'm sober."
  • The chartreuse multi-armed bunny turned to me. "You don't get stoned, just philosophical.""Well, that is the most coherent thing I heard all day." I thought, as he turned into a
  • School Zone. "Speed limits are for slaves of the illusory," said the bunny, whose colors now required the index of a jumbo Crayola box to describe. I nudged my foot towards the
  • accelerator & stamped down on it. The tires squealed & the prismatic rabbit became an ultraviolet Ometochtli beckoning me to a ribald pulque orgy in the land of Leporidae.
  • Unfortunately I was forced to pull the car over, as I had to wait 24 hours for Dictionary.com to update with its new word of the day. Thus I begat the antipode of my commencement.


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