Once upon a time there lived a beautiful

  • Once upon a time there lived a beautiful but horny princess.
  • She had spines up her back and a unicorn forehead. The prince wished his wife was more "forthcoming" in the bedchamber, and so the witch took "horny" literally.
  • Well, as you can imagine, this would not do at all, so the prince galloped into the Dark Thicket, where the witch lived & pounded on her door. "I have a bone to pick with you!" he
  • screamed the most high shrill he could conger up forcing the witch to open the door and see what was happening. She slammed the door open and peaked out to see
  • exactly what she had expected to see; which was a elderly man from Akron Ohio with pasty white legs in very tight short shorts & a "I'm Stupid with" an arrow pointing to the left
  • at a rather attractive redhead, who had a very confused looking chicken on a leash, which wearing a black bib stating "Emotional Support Hen Yo" in loud pink glittery letters.
  • "I'm sorry," said the Wal-Mart Greeter, "but that chicken is not wearing a state-approved Emotional Supprt Animal vest. We cannot let it in the store. The redhead began to hyperven
  • tilate. The chicken patted her ankle with its wing and clucked sympathetically. This halted her panic attack, though she was still a little disappointed that Walmart wouldn't let
  • her bring in her beloved service animal. First the Airline now the grocery store. How could they not understand that with out Suzie chicken her ability to cope with life was
  • out the window. Suzie chicken was all she had in this cruel world. They'd experienced the highs and lows of life together. The break-ups, the drama, graduating college...Suzie was


  1. Woab Mar 03 2019 @ 12:42

    ... her rock. Her rock Cornish game hen. The End.

  2. SlimWhitman Mar 04 2019 @ 01:43

    Nice 11th fold, Woab!

  3. Woab Mar 04 2019 @ 11:19

    Thank you, Slim. You da King.

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