бр.3 Стварно не знам шта

  • бр.3 Стварно не знам шта још-
  • which was translated by C3PO as, "Because he's holding a thermal detonatorrrrrrr!"
  • R2D2 said something to C3PO. "Oh. I beg your pardon," said C3PO. "My translation is incorrect. He does not have a thermal detonator, he has a plan for world peace." Unfortunately,
  • the chip malfunction was giving erroneous signals. World peace hung in the balance. Would the translation be completed before
  • the doomsday device with the big red digital numbers sets the world aflame? Can our hero understand the Korean writing in time? Would his girlfriend stop looking over his shoulder?
  • Would the stupid voice-over guy stop commenting my every move so I can concentrate on diffusing the doomsday device? Would my korean girlfriend make herself useful & translate the
  • KamaSutra?"Sex clues to diffuse the mother of all bombs and a stupid Korean girlfriend!Could our hero's day get any worse?"says the narrator just when I was getting an erection to
  • prepare for his surgery. "It's easier to cut off when hard" the doctor had told him. He was so excited to finally be a woman. He had a new name in mind: Barbara, perhaps.
  • This is the fallacy of false advertisement. You see, the doctors failed to mention that sex change surgery actually can't change the sex of the patient. No vagina for Barbara. No
  • soup for U! This whole sexchange hospital was not what I thought it was going to B. Discovery Channel has that reality show allwrong. Oh well, better watch JerseyShore while I can.


  1. Chaz Sep 12 2012 @ 08:58

    Serbian to English Translation - # 3 I do not know what else

  2. Zetawilk Sep 12 2012 @ 16:26

    What TV show is that from? Farscape?

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