Deep in Crystal Lake, Jason waits. In his

  • Deep in Crystal Lake, Jason waits. In his morbid evil brain he ponders his unlife. Perhaps, he should go out for a sandwich.
  • After all, spending your non-life on the bottom of a lake becomes awfully boring very quickly. Jason swam to the surface, and dragged a girl out of her boat in order to steal it.
  • Technically, he commandeered it for official business. As one of the major horror movie killers, Jason Voorhees, enjoyed a lofty position as CEO at Movie Killers Corp. As such he
  • killed every horror movie proposal that landed on his desk. "Damn it, Voorhees," sputtered John Carpenter, "at this rate we'll never get another horror movie produced!" But Jason
  • the Mason was not giving up so soon. He put his thinking chisel on and sat down. "Hey? Hows about I be in the next horror flick?" Jason murmured. John sputtered in exasperation.
  • The chisel chose that moment to fall down sharply. It split Jason's head in half. Horror flicks, thought the Mason. What's next?
  • The room went pitch dark and everyone screamed. It was simultaneous. F. Duke was amazed and used it as a scene in his film, "The Hidden Force" in which Philippe joins the Masons.
  • The movie was a huge success but like "The Ring" it came with a curse. First the actors in the film became zombies. Then everyone who attended it also became zombies if they didn't
  • interrupt their viewing by leaving the movie to buy popcorn or use the restroom. “What did I miss?” they’d ask upon returning, only to be eaten alive by the zombie audience members
  • and ushers. Thus zombie horde grew stronger and hungier. The zombies swarmed out of the cinema and into the city, devouring everyone in their path. The apocalypse had arrived.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 24 2018 @ 18:39

    That would be a great movie preview. The audience is watching a horror movie with zombies and become zombies themselves, swarming out into the city: taking the movie to the man, so to speak.

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