Li was getting rich on faux rhino horns.

  • Li was getting rich on faux rhino horns. He compressed human nail clippings. It was made of keratin too & he was saving the rhino. But he was deceiving the chinese mafia & smugglin
  • g them out of Africa. An African sting operation caught him with the Faux Rhino horns. The only way to defend himself would be to reveal that the horns were fake, but the Chinese M
  • ilitary kept invalidating research information, then saying (in Mandarin), "NO WE DIDN'T!" while looking about shifty-eyed. He ended up getting stung alright, by a rhino.
  • Rhinos with horns in the front and stingers in the back were plaguing the chinese military. "Where are we supposed to attack them, their sides?" Wrong. The rhinos had cannons
  • on their sides, not to mention spikes on their bellies and giant mousetraps on their backs. The Chinese soldiers had no choice but to
  • take a break and enjoy a nice cup of java. Despite how much you wanna be a bad ass commie, the benefits of capitalism will force you into a bon vivant. The Chinese commander pulled
  • a horse race betting ticket out of his coat jacket pocket and edged toward the door slowly hoping nobody would notice. The Chinese Commander then looked at his watch and started to
  • hum loudly. The Chinese Commander would always hum when he was nervous about something. Everyone turned toward him as soon as he got to the door. He dropped his ticket and burst
  • into various Tom Jones songs. The Chinese Commander was actually quite good at karaoke, he wasnt nervous at all. When last call was announced, you could tell he wasnt ready 2 go
  • to his favorite Tom Jones song ever, "It's not unusual." The room was on its feet, but since they were Chinese, he could see over everyone & blow a kiss to his love, Kim Jong Un


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